ThGNews shows the top news of your newspapers on the top of your desktop, even if you are working on text processing, or if you are surfing in internet. If you want to know about the news, move your mouse on to ThGNews and an additional description appears.
If this is not enough double click the news and you can read the whole article, which will appear in your Internet Browser.
If you want to know more about the subject, move your mouse above the news and an additional window will appear. With a doubleclick your personal internet explorer will appear, where you can read the fully message of your newspaper. So you will always informed without struggling through a countless number of internet pages full with advertisement.
One Click with the right mouse button and ThGNews can be adjusted on your purpose.
Setups like, how long the news have to be stored, which news are shown on the destop, how often ThGNews will connect to internet, are only a small selection.